iPlant portal 04-04-2014d1354


iPlant portal 04-04-2014d1354
plant bioinformatics
first heard about this from Josh

a platform that lets you run a certain amount of computer instances for free

other possibly similar platforms

Distributed European Infrastructure for Supercomputing Applications (DEISA), integrating eleven European supercomputing centers
Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE)
National Research Grid Initiative (NAREGEGI) involving several supercomputer centers in Japan from 2003[8]
Open Science Grid - a distributed computing infrastructure for scientific research
Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) - the TeraGrid successor

How good are the computers on iPlant?

-Not bad at all 08-26-2014d1711
--I did a test comparing my HP desktop computer and a 4 CPU iplant Ubuntu instance. Here is the result of the comparison.
home desktop computer took from 12:04:01 to 12:05:44
-total time: 1 min 43 seconds
iplant 4 cpu computer took from 20:38:22 to 20:39:16
-total time: 54 seconds


iPlant images

export PATH=${PATH
export PATH=$


Some items

See also