VNC problems on iplant atmosphere 09-04-2014d0926


VNC problems on iplant atmosphere 09-04-2014d0926

VNC problems seem to be fixed when vnc is restarted via ssh.

My VNC connects but displays no desktop OR My resumed instance's VNC session used to work (e.g. before suspending), but does not work now. What should I do?

We have seen some cases where the VNC session is not fully functional, although the VNC viewer and Web-based VNC connect properly. Also, when suspended instances are resumed, the instance's ip address may change causing the vnc server to fail; in this situation, the vnc server session will need to be restarted.

Log in to the instance via ssh.# Sudo to root. Type:
sudo su -

Kill all processes with "vnc" or "Xvnc". Type:
ps aux|grep vnc|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2
'|xargs kill -9

Exit sudo to return to your user account. Type:

# Relaunch vncserver. Type:
vncserver :1
(Optional) If you encounter errors about the existence of files, you might need to delete (i.e., rm) the following files and attempt to relaunch the vncserver:
# Attempt to reconnect to VNC; if the error still persists (sometimes it takes a couple of times), repeat the steps a few times.