hp pavilion elite hpe-510y desktop computer
2015-04-27hp pavilion elite hpe-510y desktop computer
Some items
- documents associated with trying to recover large video files that were lost in box sync folder. They weren't able to recover the documents, but the IT at CNIO was able to get them from the shared rompetechos drive for me; 04-27-2015d0747
- -http://azim58.ngrok.io/files/ws-pr/2015/04%20April/04-27-2015d0742/documents%20for%20recovering%20lost%20files%20from%20box%20sync
- documents associated with Alvicius installation of ssd for hp desktop computer (computer was received back on or around 4-14-15, and I think it took them about a week); pre 04-27-2015d0746
- -http://azim58.ngrok.io/files/ws-pr/2015/04%20April/04-27-2015d0742/desktop%20ssd%20installation%20documents
- I bought a power backup for this computer around 04-13-2015d0943. In America I think we would often call this a UPS, but in Spain they call it SAI for Sistema Alimentacion Ininterrumpida.
- plan to replace hard drive with 256 gb ssd and 1 tb normal hd 04-12-2015d1021
- started investigating fusion or ssd drives for desktop computer 04-04-2015d1116
- as of 03-22-2015d1247, I feel like the computer is running kind of slowly. The disk usage is often at 100% (especcially after startup for a long time (10-15 min))(not all the time though). I think I might try re-indexing. I might defragment the hard drive too. If I do this, and I if I find the speed unacceptable, then maybe I'll just reinstall Windows.
- I took the computer to the phone doctors at La Vaguada to have it repaired. They replaced the power supply with a new one that can now only accept European voltage (220 V). This power supply can only be found in Spain. Therefore, if I take the desktop to America, I will need to use it with a converter (not just a plug adapter).
- -I picked the computer up from La Vaguada on 3(mar)-13-15
- -the final price for the whole repair was about 70 euro. When I first gave the computer to them, they gave me an initial receipt and charged me the first 25 euro
- --I think this is possibly the final receipt I received (I don't think the date their machine printed is correct though. . ): http://azim58.ngrok.com/files/ws-private/2015/03%20March/03-16-2015d0855/possibly%20final%20hp%20repair%20receipt
- --initial receipt: http://azim58.ngrok.com/files/ws-private/2015/03%20March/03-16-2015d0855/initial%20hp%20desktop%20repair%20receipt
- -what is the make and model of the new power supply?
- -what is the make and model of the old power supply?
- --Bestec ATX0300D5WC Rev. B
- --the old power supply had a red switch that could be used to switch the voltage input from 110 V to 220 V. This switch can't really be turned with your hand and you have to use a screw driver or something to change it. This switch can only be seen on the power supply inside the computer, and the switch cannot be seen from outside the computer when it is normally closed. Note that most of my other devices can accept either input voltage. For example, my Samsung Ativ Book 6 laptop, my HP Split X2 laptop, and my Ratel Ultra Linux desktop can all be plugged into either input voltage and only a plug adapter is needed. My Xbox 360 just requires a different external power supply to function with the European voltage.
- --pictures of the old power supply here: http://azim58.ngrok.com/files/ws-private/2015/03%20March/03-16-2015d0855/old%20hp%20desktop%20power%20supply
- --pictures of the box I received the old power supply back in here (note that I don't think this is very important or related to the old power supply, but I just put the pictures here anyway): http://azim58.ngrok.com/files/ws-private/2015/03%20March/03-16-2015d0855/old%20hp%20desktop%20power%20supply/box%20I%20received%20it%20back%20in
- -the old power supply is located at the back of the top left compartment of the closet in my first flat in Spain as of 03-16-2015d0918
- solution to power compatibility problem for hpe-510y desktop computer
it looks like I needed to switch the input voltage for the power supply by flipping the red switch on the back of my desktop computer. I never knew this before. The good news about this is that I think it is unlikely that I had too many devices plugged in, and the future I would be able to have many devices running without a problem I think. The evidence for this desktop switch feature is found in the following links which I'm pasting here just to have a record of it:
- -see also hp support forum 05-03-2014d0931
- Be very careful about plugging an American desktop computer into a European outlet!!! I did this 02-21-2015d1604, and there was a loud noise, the circuit broke, smoke came from my computer, and my computer would no longer start.