Immune city


Charakters: Hero & Sage (names are yet to be determined)
Hero & Sage enter an island with a new culture. They quickly discover that the people behave strange around them. Sage says he knows someone on this island and that this person might still live in this village. They arrive at the person’s house and find someone standing in front of it. Before they can ask him anything this person suddenly throws something through the window and they here a *bang* from inside the house.
This city deals with a big plaque, similar to the one we know nowadays in ants, where some fungus or plant lives inside its host and forces it go to a sunny spot so the fungus or plant can grow outside the ant. The plaque (which here is kind of an insectoid animal) in our story lives in humans and forces them to eat as much as possible until they die and the animal can burst out of its host body and find its way into a new host.
The realm this village belongs to has adapted its society to this plague: they behave like the defences in our body. There are four types of agents who kill infected persons, every agent travels around the villages to see where there is need for their “services”.
There are also Sentinels (dendritic cells) who are in the city all the time. As soon as they notice that a plaque is spreading, they capture one of these animals and bring it to the nearest guard post (lymph node) in this realm to activate the immune response with Cytotoxos and Helpers (T-helper cells; stimulate cytotoxos, macrops & killers ).