screen 41 pools for slain 7-10-13


azim58 - screen 41 pools for slain 7-10-13

experiment on 7-10-13

Plan to screen 41 pools for slain. I will also include a positive control
with tumor cDNA, a positive control with normal cDNA, and a negative
control. I will also try to amplify smc1fs with sample 6 6-10-13 for gel
extraction (4 samples for this one). I will include a replicate for each
sample. Therefore, there will be a total of (41+3+2)*2 = 92 samples. One
large gel fits 24*4=96 samples. 4 100 mL gels fit 13*4=52 samples.
Therefore, I will make one large gel.

I will not do a "hot start" this time and just add the primestar max
before adding the sample to the thermocycler. I will also not add a
"small amount of primer" and then add more. I will just add 1 uL of 10 uM
primer to begin with. I will do a touchdown pcr though.

I will need slain and smc1fs primer as well as the 41 pool, the cDNA, and
sample 6 6-10-13

I plan to use a 1.5 % 350 mL gel.
I plan to use Thermocycle Conditions 7-10-13

Note that I recently prepared
Tumor 1st strand cDNA 7-8-13
Normal 1st strand cDNA 7-8-13