reinstallation of os on samsung ativ book 6 04-18-2015d2054


reinstallation of os on samsung ativ book 6 04-18-2015d2054

which data do I need to get from hard drive?

which software do I need to reinstall?

firefox; ch 4-19-15
LTFViewer; the old download location isn't available, and I'm not sure how badly I need this program.
notepad++; ch
7-zip; ch
box; ch
dropbox; ch
gimp; ch
microsoft Office; ch
R; ch
RStudio; ch
Deducer; ch
bittorrent sync; ch
calcutray; ch
fastkeys; ch
generunner; ch
ape; ch
imageJ; ch
inkscape; ch
Mendeley; ch
zotero; ch
zotfile; ch
open broadcaster; ch
pdf creator; ch
peek through; ch
clover; ch
switcher; ch
teamviewer; ch
google drive sync; ch
gitools; ch
goodsync; ch
eclipse; ch