random hexamer primers for human tumor cDNA library


azim58 - random hexamer primers for human tumor cDNA library

Random Hexamer primers for tumor cDNA Library data sheet

"C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\8-31-12\Random hexamer
primers 8-31-12.pdf"

hexL -> new name: FSHX (for first strand hexamer)
hexR -> new name IFF (for In-fusion forward)
InFL -> new name IFR (for In-fusion reverse)

100 uM stock stored at Human tumor cDNA 8-3-12 -20 C
10 uM working solution at 4 C box 082512 dot 1020

These random hexamer primers will be used in addition to poly T primers.
I will use the same ratio of poly T primers to random hexamer primers as
that found in a commercial random hexamer mix. In the random primer mix
from neb (http://www.neb.com/nebecomm/products/products1330.asp) the
mixture contains 35 uM hexamers and 25 uM poly T primers so the poly T
primers make up 25/(35+25)*100 = 41.7% of the mixture. I'll use this
ratio for the human tumor cDNA library.

see poly dT random hexamer primer mix

Notes on use of these primers 12-12-12