meeting with Stephen about paper 7-28-13


azim58 - meeting with Stephen about paper 7-28-13

I just finished meeting with Stephen about the T cell paper and we went
through it in detail. After the meeting, Stephen concluded that the data
is not strong enough to be published so I can just put it into my
dissertation. He did think that I might want to try to publish just a
"Perspective" or "Hypothesis" to share my aging idea with people.

Some handwritten notes from the meeting can be found here
"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\7-28-13\t cell paper\some handwritten notes from meeting with Stephen 7-28-13.pdf"

some of Stephen's notes directly in the document can be found here
"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\7-28-13\t cell paper\some of Stephen's notes on t cell paper 7-28-13.pdf"