measure amount of memory used by java program 02-09-2015d1005
2015-03-02measure amount of memory used by java program 02-09-2015d1005
Measure amount of memory used by java program
measure amount of ram used by java program
this forum page has some good info
this page looks useful
- I had to modify their code a little bit to get it to work, but it looks pretty useful. Also, I don't know what all of the different types of memory mean, but I guess I could monitor them all.
- -What are the units of the memory values given here?
// Place this code just before the end of the program
try {
String memoryUsage = new String();
List pools = ManagementFactory.getMemoryPoolMXBeans();
for (int i=0; i<pools.size(); i++) {
MemoryPoolMXBean pool = (MemoryPoolMXBean)pools.get(i);
MemoryUsage peak = pool.getPeakUsage();
memoryUsage += String.format("Peak %s memory used: %,d%n", pool.getName(),peak.getUsed());
memoryUsage += String.format("Peak %s memory reserved: %,d%n", pool.getName(), peak.getCommitted());
// we print the result in the console
} catch (Throwable t)
System.err.println("Exception in agent: " + t);