figures for paper e-mail to shen 3-22-12
2013-12-01azim58 - figures for paper e-mail to shen 3-22-12
Hey Shen, should we add error bars to those bar graphs you made in
Graphpad Prism? Also, could you send me the files or the shared drive
location of the raw data as well as the Graphpad Prism files? Note that
there is one bar graph that we don't have that you were thinking of
making ("hSMC1Ab-IS-Peptides against Mus anti-KLH serum").
The figures I am referring to are the following:
ELISA analysis of sorted rabbit serum against hSMC1-17mer bar graph
ELISA analysis of different peptide to rabbit serum bar graph
hSMC1Ab-IS-Peptides against Mus anti-KLH serum (figure doesn't exist yet;
we were thinking you could make a bar graph out of it and it could be
"part b" of one of the figures)
Cross reaction of purified antibody heatmap
- Kurt