email to Hojoon about online program that can do shotgun type alignment 7-30-13
2013-12-01azim58 - email to Hojoon about online program that can do shotgun type
alignment 7-30-13
Hey Hojoon, do you know of an online tool that can align "shotgun" like
data? Bl2seq can align the type of data indicated in the "Data 2" box
diagram in the attached pdf, but Bl2seq cannot align the type of data in
the "Data 1" box diagram in the attached pdf. Do you know of an online
tool that can handle "Data 1" type data?
"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\7-30-13\alignment data
example 7-30-13.pdf"
Note that Krupa thought the term "DNA stitching" might be helpful
example of shotgun like sequence alignment data 7-30-13