considering working part time 06-07-2014d1000


considering working part time 06-07-2014d1000

If I just worked part time, then how much money would I lose?
"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\06-06-2014d2113\Estimated loss for working part time 06-06-2014d2114.xlsx"

January February March April May
2124 2541 1537 2649 1953

January February March April May
2081 2081 2197 2106 2926

1644 on July 15th
1765 on August 15th
so about

how much money is needed to move to another country?

Another issue to consider is that dollars are worth less than euros.
1 euro is worth $1.36

What activities could I work on if I just worked part time?

What is the cost of living in Madrid?