Wikimatrix portal 06-03-2014d1508


Wikimatrix portal 06-03-2014d1508


Which wiki hosting service allows me to import and export the wiki as text files? I don't want my wiki to become trapped in a website I may not use later. I also want to be able to transfer a complete wiki (as text files) into a new service if desired. I keep my own personal wiki on my local computer as a folder of text files. I can search these text files and also designate links to other text files by putting brackets around words. I would like to be able to import these text files into some wiki hosting service so that each text file becomes a page in the wiki and the links (words with brackets) are clickable and functionable. Which service would be best for me?

Even better, it might be great if there is some wiki hosting service that allows the wiki to be synced with your local drive. However, this might be asking for too much right now and is not necessary for my purposes.

Ideally, whatever wiki hosting service meets my needs, I would most prefer simple syntax. For example, double brackets around a word to designate a link is quite simple.

best wiki for syncing local text files with wiki on webhost

Which wiki engine is best for syncing local text files with wiki on webhost to display on the internet? Also, which wiki would preserve the formatting of plain text the best? I want all of the spacing and line breaks in the text file to look the same on the wiki page. Basically the only wiki markup I care about is the ability to create a link (for example by putting double brackets around a word to specify a link).

I tried dokuwiki, but I am not sure if I can get this to suit my needs. Dokuwiki does not index imported text files for search unless you navigate to them by default. Also, dokuwiki is picky about the titles of page names of imported files (there can't be any spaces for example). Maybe there is a way to circumvent these issues.

Thanks for any help and information you have to offer me!

Comparison of 141 wiki engines with wikimatrix

see also