Sensitivity and specificity
2015-01-13azim58 - Sensitivity and specificity
sensitivity is true positive rate: the proportion of actual positives which are correctly identified as such
specificity is true negative rate: proportion of negatives which are correctly identified as such
Sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN)
Specificity = TN/(TN+FP)
Condition: Condition Positive Condition Negative
Test Outcome
Positive TP FP
Negative FN TN
Mneumonics for sensitivity and specificity
SeNsitive tests are Negative in health (NIH)
SPecific tests are Positive in Disease (PID)
Sensitivity: SnOut- sensitive tests rule out diesease - meaning that on a
test with high sensitivity if you test negative chances are you don't
have the disease (screening). If you rule disease out this means you have
few false negatives.
Specificity: SpIn- specific tests rule in disease - meaning that on a
test w. high specificity if you test positive chances are you got the
disease (confirmatory). If you rule disease in this means you have few
false positives.
SeNsitivity includes False Negatives
SPecificity includes False Positives
Note that a ROC curve has true positives vs false positives
nice sensitivity specificity article with some examples
- Understanding and using sensitivity, specificity and predictive values
- -"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Box Sync\DocDR\2014\03-17-2014d1438\Understanding and using sensitivity, specificity and predictive values.pdf"