R Statistics Program
2015-07-01azim58 - R Statistics Program
R statistics programming language
R software
R seems fairly non-user friendly. It is basically unusuable without some
prior knowledge and practice
Note that in R the filepath to a file must be specified with forward
anova in r (wikidpad)
adding labels to a scatterplot in R
adjusting the scale of a plot
make scatterplot connected by line through each point
Josh's notes about using R to adjust p values
making a combined boxplot and stripchart in R
- using excel files with R
List of things I wish I knew how to do in R
adjust the scale of a scatterplot
add labels to each point of a scatterplot
add multiple datasets to a scatterplot and control the shape of the
points in the different datasets
add a straight line to a scatterplot at a specific location
make bar graphs
RStudio is a nice IDE for R
GrapheR is a package that makes graphing in R a little more user friendly.
start with the command "run.GrapheR()"
Deducer is another GUI for graphing in R
- Installing Deducer can be a bit tricky
- -Install Windows 9x/.../XP/7 download:
from here: http://rforge.net/JGR/
- -then start jgr
- --I have jgr stored here: C:\jgr-1_62.exe
- -make sure deducer packages are installed and loaded. Then start deducer
Here are some packages Krupa said she liked
DMWR (Data mining with R)
Example of plotting with lattice
Krupa has some information here
(there's also an R reference card here)
Biostatistics\Valley Fever\paper working directory\Random peptides
paper\LDA,NaiveBayes\Krupa_LDA_R\For paper\Useful Literature
Plotting a scatterplot with labels for each datapoint
x <- data.frame(a=1:10, b=rnorm(10))
x$lab <- letters1:10
ggplot(data=x, aes(a, b, label=lab)) +
geom_point() +
geom_text(data = subset(x, abs(b) > 0.2), vjust=0)
code from
Information about adding a straight line to a plot in ggplot2
Some items
- Hands-on course on July 1 2015 07-01-2015d1710
- s: grouped dotplot with error bars in r; 12-03-2014d1556
- -I didn't really find anything that useful
see also