Process for running a program on saguaro
2015-01-13++ Process for running a program on saguaro
- Make a pbs file which should look something like this:
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l mem=6gb
#PBS -l walltime=20:50:00
java -jar "/home/lwang138/entropy/input/EntropyOfArray090413_2.jar" home/lwang138/entropy/input/46/110 "4-22 S4 A1 Hi P60 092612 #8-15 5um K" -Xmx6144
- run the pbs file from the command line by running a command like
- -qsub /home/lwang138/sas/jar.pbs
- check the status of the program by running a command like
- -watch qstat -n
- -or like: "qstat"
- check the log file by looking at the job id and then finding the corresponding log file
- -e.g for job id "6107384.newmoab.s59-15" the corresponding file was in the home folder and titled jar.pbs.o06107384
Process for ending a program on saguaro
just "qdel jobid", e.g. qdel 2040020