Preparing Peptides for Printing 1-23-12
2015-01-13azim58 - Preparing Peptides for Printing 1-23-12
Protocol for Preparing Peptides for Printing
S:\Research\DocInABox\People\Bart\Torino_Mice\Decipher Response\Small
Microarray using TOR peptides\TOR1 to 4 peptide plate preparation.doc
TOR1 to 4 peptide plate preparation.doc
Spreadsheet for determining how to dilute peptides to 2 mg/mL
S:\Research\DocInABox\People\Bart\Torino_Mice\Decipher Response\Small
Microarray using TOR peptides\TOR mimotopes and real peptides.xls
If you'd like to find the spreadsheet for newly synthesized Sigma
peptides, that can be found here:
S:\Research\DocInABox\Newly Synthesized Sigma Peptides
We got our spreadsheet for this experiment from the Jan 18th Bart,
Rebecca, Tiger batch.