Practice isolating stem cells from mouse 6-5-12
2015-01-13azim58 - Practice isolating stem cells from mouse 6-5-12
searched for protocol for isolating cells from bone marrow
followed Mouse Bone Marrow Isolation Protocol
Pictures of cells before and after robosep purification
- raw
Often Originally on Research Drive\2012\6-7-12
- Annotated
- 38e6 cells from an original 6.44e7 cells were isolated from this
Message to Kathy about experiment
She thought I should store the cells in trizol.
Cells were pelleted and stored in 500 uL trizol, and stored at -80 C
Negative fraction progenitor cells 6-8-12 stored at -80 C Kurt 5-23-10
Positive fraction bone marrow cells 6-8-12 stored at -80 C Kurt 5-23-10