Plan for validating cDNA clones portal 1-7-13


azim58 - Plan for validating cDNA clones portal 1-7-13

of exon 1. I would then do PCR on the tumor and normal samples. If I see
a difference in tumor and normal I will know these transcripts are
different between the two. If I don't see a difference this will not
really prove anything since the tumor cells may have the normal
transcript in addition to alternative transcript(s)
end and the 5' cap primer with the kit. I would use the PrimeStar
polymerase (other polymerases may also be tried like Dynazyme and Taq)
that Andrey and I have observed is very resilient and can yield extremely
long products (from our vector linearization work). I would then clone
this gene specific cDNA into a vector (using pJET cloning) and sequence
several transformed clones to see if the genes are truncated, contain
frameshifts, contain the expected mutations for those with mutations, etc.
construction. One set with SMARTScribe and Advantage and one set with
PrimeScript and PrimeStar. I'm not sure if I will have enough 5' primer
that came with the kit though.

see e-mail thread with Kathy