Order of sections pre 10-27-13
2015-01-13++ Order of sections pre 10-27-13
Ch 1. PLATFORM FOR SCREENING CDNA LIBRARIES (lysates, nitrocellulose arrays, etc.)
- see also pure text notes on platform for screening cDNA libraries section 8-18-13
- -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\8-18-13\pure text notes on platform for screening cDNA libraries section 8-18-13.txt"
Ch 2. Discovering immunogens
- see also pure text notes on discovering immunogens section 8-18-13
- -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\8-18-13\pure text notes on discovering immunogens section 8-18-13.txt"
Ch 3. Random sequence mimotopes
- cover content in paper: Random sequence mimotopes capture immune-specific antibodies and predict epitope motifs
- see also pure text notes on random sequence mimotopes section 8-19-13
- -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\8-19-13\pure text notes on random sequence mimotopes section 8-19-13.txt"
Introduction for High throughput screening of tumor cDNA library section started 11-17-12
Information for 3 prime cDNA library started 2-15-13
Appendix Sections
Appendix Section 1: Phage antibody libraries
- see also pure text notes on phage antibody libraries 8-27-13 (in wikipad)
- -"F:\kurt\storage\wikipad\KurtWhittemoreWiki\data\pure text notes on phage antibody libraries 8-27-13.wiki"
- pure text notes on purification of antibodies with random peptides 8-29-13 (in wikipad)
- pure text notes on automatic array alignment section 8-29-13
- -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\8-29-13\pure text notes on automatic array alignment section 8-29-13.txt"
- pure text notes on age associated stem cell autoimmunity section 8-19-13
- -"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\8-19-13\pure text notes on age associated stem cell autoimmunity section 8-19-13.txt"
- pure text notes on construction of human tumor cDNA section 8-30-13 (in wikipad)