Notes about too much lysozyme during plate production


azim58 - Notes about too much lysozyme during plate production

I originally had a problem seeing too strong of a lysozyme band on my
Western blots.
The problem was that I made a mistake calculating how much lysozyme to
use when I scaled down from the flask to the plate. Originally I
calculated the amount of lysozyme to scale down to based on the
resuspension volume rather than based on the original culture volume. A
more detailed explanation can be found on 6-16-11 of notebook. Western
blot data can be found in the 6-6-11 folder as well as the 9-14-11

"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2014\03-30-2014d1547\troubleshooting protein production in plate format lab notebook 03-30-2014d1546.pdf"
"C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\kwhittem\Records in CIM Folder\Scans of Notebooks\lab notebook\4 4-8-11 through 10-13-11\Notebook 4-8-11 to 10-13-11.pdf"