Network graph libraries 05-21-2014d2151
2015-01-13Network graph libraries 05-21-2014d2151
network library
graph library
- jgrapht
- -JGraphT portal 02-16-2014d1114
- Grph
- -The high performance graph library for Java
- -
- -jar file here: "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\DR\2014\05-23-2014d1019\grph java library\grph-1.4.17.jar"
- --other files are around there too (unzipped from jar file)
- -I wanted to use this library to compute all-pairs shortest paths. However, the ComputeAllPairShortestPaths example class just has an example of computing one single path (Path p = g.getShortestPath(6, 95);). Also, using the method to get a shortest path just gives me one single path, instead of multiple shortest paths of the same length if present. Is there a way to compute all-pairs shortest paths? Also, is there a way to compute multiple all-pairs shortest paths if there are paths with the same length between two nodes?
- --I posted the comment above here:
- ---Luc Hogie responded (I have an email thread)