Lifespans of other types of species 06-15-2014d1146
2015-01-13Lifespans of other types of species 06-15-2014d1146
- "C:\Users\kurtw_000\Documents\kurt\storage\pDR\2014\06-15-2014d1143\Table of lifespan of some types of organisms 06-15-2014d1143.xlsx"
Type of Organism Lifespan Notes
Hydra 8 don't age
Urchin 8 don't age
Jellyfish 8 (turritopsis nutricula)
Rougheye rockfish >205
Lobster >100
Ocean Quahog Clam 507
Methuselah Tree 4,846 a bristlecone pine in the white mountains of California is 4,846 years old in 2013
Bristlecone pine 5,062 located in White Mountains of California
Aldabra giant tortoise 255
Bowhead whale >200
Note that bamboo and salmon are semelparous organisms that die at a set time (they don't age).