Introduction for High throughput screening of tumor cDNA library section started 11-17-12
2015-01-13azim58 - Introduction for High throughput screening of tumor cDNA library
section started 11-17-12
Introduction for High throughput screening of tumor cDNA library section
- Cancer Vaccines
- Phage Library
- Nitrocellulose arrays (in comparison with SEREX)
- Random peptide array
I will refer to 3 documents I wrote or helped write to help get me
started writing this document.
DoD Breast Cancer Fellowship
Maher Alumni Scholarship
- Maher Alumni Scholarship
- Using random peptides to identify and isolate specific antibodies Paper
Notes from various documents 11-18-12
"C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\11-19-12\Introduction\High
throughput screening of tumor cDNA libraries.doc"