Information about colors in a heatmap


azim58 - Information about colors in a heatmap

Information about colors in a heatmap

quote: "Rule #6 When using color to encode a sequential range of
quantitative values,
stick with a single hue (or a small set of closely related hues) and vary
intensity from pale colors for low values to increasingly darker and
colors for high values.
We can intuitively perceive colors of increasing intensities as numbers
of increasing values.
We don’t, however, perceive differences of hue in this manner. To see
for yourself, try putting
the following hues in order from low to high."

This page looks like it has some nice compatible color schmes:

Grid charts in which size and colors are used look interesting as well

Here's an earth color palette svg file
"L:\storage\DR\2012\5-7-12\earth color palette.svg"