Ideal Nature of Work and Advancement of Society


I wonder what the ideal nature of work is, and I wonder what the ideal way to have society advance is?

For the Nature of Work:
Is it possible that the most productive output could be achieved from individuals when their work is balanced by many other things that stimulate the other parts of their body and mind to keep them running well since the rest of the body and mind is connected to whatever is necessary for their work task? If work was somehow integrated into some type of future video game technology, could this provide the right kind of balanced stimulation?

For the advancement of society:
Is it possible that society would advance the most if everyone’s ideas were open source so as many people as possible can build off of one another’s ideas? How can inventions be incentivized if everyone just makes them open source? Perhaps the only way they would be incentivized is just by the knowledge that the ideas would receive the most use and attention by sharing them openly.

If someone spends a lot of time and effort to invent something, and then they give the idea away for free how do they make sure that they receive money for it? Perhaps they won’t receive money or as much money for it? However, if their invention receives a lot of use and attention, then the credibility of that person to be able to make good inventions will increase. This increase in credibility may make it easier for the inventor to invent more things (higher salaries, more funds granted, other people requesting work on other projects which could lead to bargaining, etc.).

Therefore, maybe there doesn’t really need to be any change to the economic system. I’m not sure if there is a good way that the economic system could be changed or not. Maybe the real change will just occur in the world of ideas. If people see real world examples, and also examples in hypothetical stories, they may decide that the greatest actions to pursue are the ones which will spread great ideas the most so that they get the most use and attention. This will benefit everyone including the inventor.

see also
Future nature of work 8-15-13
"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\8-15-13\Future nature of work 8-15-13.txt"