Golly cellular automata program portal 02-21-2014d0939
2015-01-13Golly cellular automata program portal 02-21-2014d0939
- Golly forum
- -http://www.conwaylife.com/forums/
- -username azim58
- post on a forum about how to make 3-color totalistic cellular automata in golly
- -http://www.conwaylife.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=1314
- -How can I make a 3-color totalistic cellular automata in golly? For example there are lots of pictures of such cellular automata found here: http://www.wolframscience.com/downloads/colorimages.html. For example the cellular automata from code 1635, code 1815, code 2007, and code 1659 are the types of cellular automata that I want to make. Thanks for any help and information you have to offer me!
- -Someone gave me a solution: answer to 3-color totalistic cellular automata in golly 02-26-2014d2010