Correlations of samples 5-14-12


azim58 - Correlations of samples 5-14-12

Normalized Correlations
bottom naive
  1. 945 top naive
  2. 932 bottom tumor
  3. 904 top tumor

top naive
  1. 945 bottom naive
  2. 93 bottom tumor
  3. 914 top tumor

top tumor
  1. 932 bottom tumor
  2. 914 top naive
  3. 904 bottom naive

bottom tumor
  1. 932 top tumor
  2. 932 bottom naive
  3. 93 top naive

Raw Correlations

naive bottom
  1. 945 naive top
  2. 932 tumor bottom
  3. 903 tumor top

naive top
  1. 945 naive bottom
  2. 930 tumor bottom
  3. 914 tumor top

tumor bottom
  1. 932 tumor top
  2. 932 naive bottom
  3. 930 naive top

tumor top
  1. 932 tumor bottom
  2. 914 naive top
  3. 903 naive bottom

Correlations Kristen got with QCPC which removes spots with bad flags

naive bottom
  1. 909 top naive
  2. 811 top tumor
  3. 809 tumor bottom

tumor top
  1. 849 naive top
  2. 798 tumor bottom

tumor bottom
  1. 859 naive top