Camptothecin Treatment followed by different abs and dyes
2015-01-13azim58 - Camptothecin Treatment followed by different abs and dyes
In this experiment we treated adherent Balb 3T3 cells with camptothecin
overnight (5pm-9am). Later we actually placed the suspended cells in
suspension and let them incubate a little longer with camptothecin (about
10am-1pm). Then the cells were treated with different antibodies and dyes.
Caspase, Annexin-V APC, 7-AAD, PI, Caspase + Annexin-V, Caspase +
Annexin-V + PI
Here are some pages about the different dyes relevant for this experiment
Which dyes can be used together 11-9-11?
fluors written on side of instrument
Analysis and Results
multi dye test 11-10-11.svg
Second analysis with same axis
same axis analysis_multi dye test 11-10-11
bmp version
"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\5-26-13\wiki_download\BMP
version_same axis analysis_multi dye test 11-10-11.bmp"