Analysis of human transcriptomes - Nature Genetics
2014-08-29azim58 - Analysis of human transcriptomes - Nature Genetics
Analysis of human transcriptomes - Nature Genetics paper
Velculescu VE, Madden SL, Zhang L, Lash AE, Yu J, Rago C, Lal A, Wang CJ,
Beaudry GA, Ciriello KM, Cook BP, Dufault MR, Ferguson AT, Gao Y, He TC,
Hermeking H, Hiraldo SK, Hwang PM, Lopez MA, Luderer HF, Mathews B,
Petroziello JM, Polyak K, Zawel L, Kinzler KW, et al. Analysis of human
transcriptomes. Nat Genet. 1999 Dec23(4):387-8