Agilent PMT for Scanning Nitrocellulose Slides


azim58 - Agilent PMT for Scanning Nitrocellulose Slides

The PMT on the Agilent instrument at which the slides are scanned doesn't
seem to matter too much. At the highest PMT of 100% the background is
about 14,000 but the spots are still higher. I was able to obtain a
slightly higher signal to noise ratio scanning with 50% PMT instead of
100% PMT.

"C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\4-13-13\download\Background
compared to signal of nitrocellulose slides.xls"

"C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\4-13-13\download\SMC1fs Cell
Lysate on Nitrocellulose spreadsheet.xls"