Adding Tabs in Wikispaces
2014-08-29azim58 - Adding Tabs in Wikispaces
Tabs can be added to a wikispaces document by using the wikitext editor.
To access the wikitext editor, click edit, then right click the arrow
next to save, and then select the wikitext editor. A tab can be added
with the following symbol: "> ". Note that the quotations aren't used,
and the space after the ">" is necessary. For two indents, use ">> ". For
three indents, use ">>> ", and so on. See the following link for more
information about wikitext editor markup:
If one already has some indented text (that is not in a program like
Word), and you want to convert it into the wikitext format a few simple
regex replacements can be used. One nice online tool for doing regular
expressions can be found here:
To replace indents with the wikitext markup just
replace "\t" with ">"
(don't use quotations of course)
then replace "((>)+)" with "$1 "
Here is some indented text:
- The dog ran over
Another option for converting indented text to look correctly in
wikispaces is to simply copy the text and copy it into an added "Code"