6-21-12 protein production in plate format for 2-17-12_16E3 spot


azim58 - 6-21-12 protein production in plate format for 2-17-12_16E3 spot

There were 32 96 well plates of culture. Each well started with 200 uL
containing approximately 2 colonies.

Item: Glycerol Stock 6-21-12 KW of cultures from 2-17-12_16E3 spot. Each
well contains approximately 2 different kinds of colonies. Stored at -80 C

Item: Soluble Protein 6-25-12 KW from cultures from 2-17-12_16E3 spot.
Each well contains material from approximately 2 different kinds of
colonies. There was originally about 40 uL solution per well. Stored at
Item: Insoluble Protein 6-25-12 KW from cultures from 2-17-12_16E3 spot.
Each well contains material from approximately 2 different kinds of
colonies. There was originally about 40 uL solution per well. Stored at
Item: Soluble Protein in 384 well plates (1-8 plates) 6-25-12 KW from
cultures from 2-17-12_16E3 spot. Each well contains material from
approximately 2 different kinds of colonies. There was originally about
40 uL solution per well. Stored at -80 C