3 Main Samples with lower secondary 5-1-12


azim58 - 3 Main Samples with lower secondary 5-1-12

3 Main Samples with lower secondary 5-1-12

experiment performed on 5-4-12

I plan to print 12 tumor cDNA library slides for this experiment
3 for naive sera
3 for tumor sera
3 for SMC1fs sera
3 for 0.1 nM secondary (goat anti-mouse AF647)

I plan to use 0.1 nM secondary instead of 5 nM secondary.
I plan to dilute the positive control SMC1fs lysate spots 1/1000 into
other lysate if they are not already this way anyway.
I plan to still dilute the SMC1fs sera 1:500
I plan to analyze the data by normalizing and subtracting the secondary.
I will also make sure that the SMC1fs slide is not blown out. I will
decrease the laser power or gain if necessary.

1st scan of files located here:
S:\Research\Cancer_Eradication\Users\kwhittem\kwhittem\Raw Data Often
Originally on Research Drive\2012\5-5-12
(50% laser power; 50% intensity)
This data is also located here
S:\Research\Cancer_Eradication\Discovering tumor specific antigens\Tumor
cDNA Library\Application of sera onto array\3 main low sec 5-10-12\50l-50g
An analysis file is here
"S:\Research\Cancer_Eradication\Discovering tumor specific antigens\Tumor
cDNA Library\Application of sera onto array\3 main low sec

2nd scans of files located here (more laser powers and gains scanned)
S:\Research\Cancer_Eradication\Users\kwhittem\kwhittem\Raw Data Often
Originally on Research Drive\2012\5-6-12
This data is also located here
"S:\Research\Cancer_Eradication\Discovering tumor specific antigens\Tumor
cDNA Library\Application of sera onto array\3 main low sec 5-10-12"

Gal file scaled for 10 um
"C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\5-5-12\exple 3k lysate for
10 um.gps"

Here is a summary document for the normalized intensities with secondary

"C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\5-11-12\Na‹ve, SMC1fs, and
Tumor with Low Secondary 5-11-12.docx"

Some analysis with raw data rather than normalized data
C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\5-14-12\array analysis

Here is a summary document for the raw intensities with no secondary
"C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\5-14-12\Raw Naive, SMC1fs,
and Tumor with Low Secondary 5-14-12.docx"

Potential next steps
Maybe I need to remove the e coli lysate antibodies and rerun this sera.
For the SMC1fs sample, I could remove GST and e coli lysate antibodies.
Then I could reapply this sera to the array.

I would like to compare the tumor spots in this experiment in more detail
with the tumor spots from the last 2-23-12 experiment in more detail. I
would like to see the correlation with the last experiment as well as if
the top binding peptide lists have anything in common (I know that the
top 10 have nothing in common between the two experiments already).

Some analysis can be found here:
"L:\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\5-20-12\Comparison of two
experiments 5-20-12.xlsx"

The correlation between the two experiments was 0.906. How does this
correlation compare to other correlations?

to tumor in the 2-23-12 experiment was 0.973, the correlation from
tumor to naive was about 0.86, and the correlation from tumor to SMC1fs
was about 0.5.

for the 5-1-12 experiment
4T1 to 4T1: 0.972
4T1 to Naive: (0.963+0.959+0.941)/3 = 0.954
4T1 to Secondary: (0.925+0.925+0.902)/3= 0.917
4T1 to SMC1fs: (0.64+0.608+0.553)/3 = 0.600

What is the overlap between the top peptide lists in each experiment?
(data collected with Genespring) (I was going to write some code to do
this, but this became more involved than I anticipated. Since I was
trying to write the code in a rush, it wasn't working very well.
Nevertheless, the code can still be found here: "L:\storage\CIM Research
Folder\DR\2012\5-20-12\code for filtering.txt")
Intersection of top 1000 2-23-12 with top 996 5-1-12 has 824 spots
Intersection of top 310 from both experiments has 250 overlapping
Intersection of top 56 2-23-12 with top 52 5-1-12 has 47 overlapping

e-mail thread to Kathy about some of these issues

False Discovery Rate analysis

see false discovery analysis

"L:\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\5-23-12\False discovery rate
analysis of several experiments.docx"

I originally tried to look at the false discovery rate of the tumor vs
naive with the 25l-50g scan data, but the fdr was 1 for every feature. I
would like to see if I obtain the same result with the 50l-50g scan data.

I'll need to align the slides found here.
S:\Research\Cancer_Eradication\Discovering tumor specific antigens\Tumor
cDNA Library\Application of sera onto array\3 main low sec 5-10-12\50l-50g
Actually not too bad. The correlation of tumor to tumor in the 2-23-12
experiment was 0.973, the correlation from tumor to naive was about 0.86,
and the correlation from tumor to SMC1fs was about 0.5.

I need to compare the differences between the feb experiment and the may
experiment and pick a tumor spot to expand out onto a new array.
"L:\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\5-24-12\Comparison of cDNA
library array experiments.docx"


I tried scanning the slides one more time at 100% laser 100% gain on
5-25-12. However, analysis of this data did not yield many great p values
or false discovery rates between tumor and naive. Analysis can be found
L:\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\5-25-12\array analysis

Raw files can be found here:

for the 5-1-12 experiment
S:\Research\Cancer_Eradication\Discovering tumor specific antigens\Tumor
cDNA Library\Application of sera onto array\3 main low sec
5-10-12\100l-100g 5-25-12
4T1 to 4T1: 0.972
4T1 to Naive: (0.963+0.959+0.941)/3 = 0.954
4T1 to Secondary: (0.925+0.925+0.902)/3= 0.917
4T1 to SMC1fs: (0.64+0.608+0.553)/3 = 0.600