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xampp portal 02-16-2015d1436
xampp portal 02-16-2015d1436 xampp is software for running a server on your own desktop -how to access xampp settings --just type localhost in a web browser address bar and hit enter -how to access xampp folders in htdocs --just type localhost/name_of_folder but don't type localhost/xampp/name_of_folder -how to make a database in xampp --localhost in web browser->phpMyAdmin->->Users->Add user->choose localhost as the type of host->select and check "Create a database with same name and grant all priveleges"->select and check "global priveleges Check All" -how can I make xampp start when windows starts (how to make xampp start at windows startup) --http://superuser.com/questions/613427/how-to-automatically-start-xampp-control-panel-in-win-8 { believe the executable for the XAMPP Control Panel is xampp-control.exe in your main XAMPP installation folder. open the Run dialog and type shell:startup: This will take you to the %AppData%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup folder. Simply create a shortcut there to the program and it should start up automatically with Windows. } -how to make services start automatically at startup? --go to config, apache, and mysql