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some finished to do list items pre 01-25-2015d1107
some finished to do list items pre 01-25-2015d1107 -finish HT Q-FISH experiment; 01-18-2015d2307 -water video; 01-11-2015d1022 --http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2014/09/22/can-water-go-bad.aspx --fix google maps problem about Madrid police station in Latina; I don't think I want to deal with this; 01-10-2015d2005 --look at cancer incidence in TRF1 mice; ch 01-07-2015d1542 --make graph of pathology reports; ch 01-07-2015d1542 ---record lifespan info as well; 01-08-2015d1440 -longterm: deal with microsoft .net framework error; 12-21-2014d2226 --I never got a reply; 11-26-2014d2227; I should probably just let the issue go or reinstall my operating system -reanalyze HT Q-FISH data; ch 12-21-2014d2226 --C:\Sync\cnio\lgdata_DR\2014\December\December\12-05-2014d1152\HT Q-FISH analysis 12-05-2014d1152\reanalysis plate 1 round 3 12-11-2014d1627 ---plate 1 has been fully analyzed, but now plate 2 needs to be analyzed. -analyze data here; ch 12-17-2014d1001 --[cni_object recognition test 11-25-14] --need to talk to Rosa about setting crosses; ch 11-30-2014d2019 -renegotiate PET analysis time; ch 12-17-2014d1000 -analyze data here; ch 12-03-2014d2351 --[cni_tightrope test 11-25-2014] -analyze data here; ch 12-03-2014d2041 --[cni_tail suspension test 12-01-2014d1934] -get hp split x2 laptop working. . sent to my parents' house to be repaired; 11-19-2014d1422 --look into GenePattern software from Broad; ch 11-12-2014d1722 -start animal training course --https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/how+to+translate+the+platform/14996248f14a53cf ; 11-09-2014d2158 -reply to Diego about network email; ch 11-11-2014d1614 -see if other mouse companies sell samp8 mice, then reply to email; ch 11-11-2014d1614 --https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#search/samp8+mice+fertile/1490ea3e4a38eec7 -get phage data for Chris --[investigation into phage issue for Chris 11-10-2014d1134] -take a look at possible link to check for intratracheal dose (from Christian): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2834977/ ; 11-03-2014d1953 --[Recombinant AAV Serotype and Capsid Mutant Comparison for Pulmonary Gene Transfer of a-1-Antitrypsin Using Invasive and Noninvasive Delivery] -When PhD finished; --write letter to ARCS donors; 11-03-2014d0946 -get card from police; applied for card (need to pick it up 30 days later) 10-28-2014d1413 -make sure that bill for Sun Valley medical clinic is paid; ch 10-24-2014d1552 -ask Aksinya for codes to order things for some media related to HT Q-FISH (same media that Nora referred to?); ch 10-24-2014d1550 -deal with paperwork from Molina; ch 10-24-2014d1548 --[cni_employment contracts etc 09-21-2014d1649] -Construct p53 vector (Eduard says clone p53 cDNA into the pAAV backbone plasmid with CMV promoter; he said I should clone a tag unless I have a very good Ab to detect p53 expression/overexpression in vivo. Did the TERT virus have a tag?). --As of 10-23-2014d1834, this took low priority because Maria Blasco things the focus should be on other projects. -look at Quantitative Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (Q-Fish) paper; ch 10-14-2014d1408 -look at High-throughput telomere length quantification by FISH and its application to human population studies paper; ch 10-14-2014d1041 -reserve tissue culture hood for Monday morning; this has to be done the same day; 10-14-2014d0915 -make survival curve from Marinela's data; 10-13-2014d1613 { -received documents about lifespans of eGFP-TRF1 mice up to 10-10-2014d1620 from Marinela; 10-10-2014d1620 --"C:\ativ6_storage\projects\cnio\DR\2014\10-10-2014d1515\documents about eGFP-TRF1 from Marinela 10-10-14" } -look at Gene set enrichment analysis paper; ch 10-09-2014d2028 -finish looking at TRF1 stem cell paper; ch 10-09-2014d1437 -look at The longest telomeres a general signature of adult stem cell compartments paper; ch 10-09-2014d1012 -p53 at high levels could cause organ failure (check literature on p53 transgenics); ch 10-08-2014d1638 -Finish CNIO Prevention and Biosafety Department Form; ch 10-08-2014d1009 -Check back on dosimetry issue from James Burnette; ch 10-08-2014d1009 -complete cell culture training; ch 10-08-2014d1009 -take a look at these DNA sequences I never looked at (I don't think I'll ever get around to doing this; 10-03-2014d1553) -https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#search/DNALab/146fceef964bcdeb -Deposit money into bank account (ch; 10-03-2014d1553) --get complete phone number (ch; 10-03-2014d1552) --get NIE validation/expiration date (maybe I don't need to do this 10-03-2014d1552) --ask for credit card later (I have to wait 6 months; 10-03-2014d1552) -look at "C:\Users\Kurt Whittemore\Box Sync\DocDR\2014\09-28-2014d2207\Longevity, Stress Response, and Cancer in Aging Telomerase-Deficient Mice.pdf" paper 10-02-2014d1845 -look at radioactive protection paper: "C:\ativ6_storage\projects\cnio\DR\2014\09-29-2014d1606\EN_Radioactive protection.pdf"; ch 10-02-2014d1035 -look at Genome-wide views of aging Gene Networks paper from Cian 10-01-2014d1700 -vpn software 10-01-2014d1506 -register with city. 10-01-2014d0913 -get a rent contract from Antonio pre 09-28-2014d2208 -find wiki engine that suits my needs --I might give up on this, and just periodically import my wiki into tiddlywiki (maybe every 1/2 year or year or so) and host it on google drive. --ended up choosing mobiki for now. 08-29-2014d2151 -prepare documents for Santander foundation 08-29-2014d2150 -I think these things just won't get done 08-24-2014d1455 { -reamplify gel extracted bands of GF79 and GF109 to send for sequencing -amplify using GF38 and GF021 using a nested PrimeSTAR or iProof rxn } -make my two different decipher codes match pre 07-20-2014d0805 -[To do list for dissertation 8-16-13] -prepare for unbelievable careers 05-15-2014d1551 -look into current insurance and Spain insurance (Father is particularly interested in this) pre 04-22-2014d1035