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pTriplEx2 vector
azim58 - pTriplEx2 vector lambda TriplEx2 vector Associated Links 12-2-11 all 3 reading frames express: λTriplEx2 contains two translation start sites (i.e., two sets of ribosome-binding sites and ATG start codons) in different reading frames and a slip site (a stretch of dTs) that can cause ribosomes to shift frames between the regulated lac promoter and the MCS. RNA polymerase may also slip during transcription of the (dT)13 region. By the time the ribosomes begin translating the insert, roughly one-third will be in each of the three reading frames. Description: http://www.clontech.com/OA_MEDIA/xxclt_media/purpledot.gif SMART cDNA Library Construction Kit Certificate of Analysis λ phage packaging system? Description: http://www.clontech.com/OA_MEDIA/xxclt_media/purpledot.gif SMART cDNA Library Construction Kit User Manual may want to buy λTriplEx LD-Insert Screening Amplimers Description: http://www.clontech.com/OA_MEDIA/xxclt_media/purpledot.gif pTriplEx2 vector information Description: http://www.clontech.com/OA_MEDIA/xxclt_media/purpledot.gif pTriplEx2 vector sequence file in .pdf format pTriplEx2 vector sequence file in .txt format This vector comes in a cDNA library synthesis kit. It is not available separately.