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how to overcome file size upload limit in pydio 02-10-2015d1801
how to overcome file size upload limit in pydio 02-10-2015d1801 -how to increase file upload size of pydio --http://vpsmate.net/pydio-fix-file-is-too-big-error.html --https://pyd.io/f/topic/i-cant-see-php-ini-file-where-can-i-change-the-file-size-upload/ --Edit the php.ini file (might be in xampp/php/php.ini or xampp/htdocs/xampp) so the the line for maximum file size uploads is for "2G" (for 2 GB) or whatever you want it to be (don't set it to 0). You can also set the maximum number of files to upload (don't set it to 0). Also, edit the post_max_size variable. You can set this variable to 0 if you don't want there to be any limit (but don't set those other previously mentioned variables to 0). Make sure after you edit the php.ini file that you restart the server software (or maybe just restart the computer). You can also edit the settings from the Pydio website interface (Settings->Application core->uploaders options). Just change the default upload size to 0, save, and it should be changed to the default set in the php.ini file. After that it should work.