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google nexus 5 12-27-2013d1307
started with T mobile sim card 1: 480-845-2448 previous phone samsung exhibit II 4G some photos associated with google nexus 5 [Wi-Fi calling on nexus 5 with t mobile] How to get Nexus 5 phone to be recognized by computer -http://www.passmark.com/forum/showthread.php?4811-Nexus-5-can-t-connect-to-Win8-PC-via-USB-Solved some items -My Nexus 5 was frequently shutting down when it was moved around a lot. I talked to the Phone doctors at La Vaguada, and they said they could take a look at it, but they might need it for 3-4 days. They also said they think it might be a software problem, which did not sound very likely to me at all. I took the back off the phone myself in my house, and I saw that the battery inside the phone was a bit smaller than the slot for the battery and it was moving around. I took some black duct tape and taped the sides of the battery in place in the slot so that the battery contact would remain in place. I can see if this fixes the problem over time. 4-11-15 -I noticed that my Nexus 5 battery had been draining very quickly. Maybe this was related to the drop that broke the glass and also age. I took it to the Phone Doctor at La Vaguada and paid $45 for a new battery. 01-18-2015d1505 -I dropped my phone on 1-4-14 and the glass broke the day I arrived in Madrid from the US. I was walking to La Vaguada mall after putting my laundry into the washing machine at Colada. I paid 180 Euros to have the glass fixed at a phone repair stand (Phone Doctor) in La Vaguada near Alcampo. Now it looks like new. The camera didn't work though. I took it back to the phone stand, and they fixed the camera in about 20 min. Although I probably could have just bought a brand new phone for the same price, I think my current phone is working just fine for me, and I didn't want to have to choose a new phone. --receipt for repairing nexus 5 screen: http://azim58.ngrok.com/files/ws-private/2015/03%20March/03-16-2015d0855/receipt%20for%20repairing%20nexus%205%20screen