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counting rows with certain attributes 01-07-2015d1248
counting rows with certain attributes 01-07-2015d1248 To count rows or records that have certain attributes, one could use excel with the records in one sheet. Then in a separate sheet one could have the different items to be counted with formulas with conditional statements to decide if certain attributes are present or not for each record in the record sheet. Therefore, this sheet would have many 0s and 1s down the columns to indicate whether a certain record matched the criteria. Then in a third sheet, the columns of the 0s and 1s could be summed to get total counts. -Here is an example spreadsheet I made to count pathologies in mice. --"C:\Sync\pDR\2015\01 January\01-07-2015d1517\Table of all pathology reports 12-18-2014d1624.xlsx" or --"C:\Sync\cnio\2014\2014\12 December\12-18-2014d1602\Pathology reports\Table of all pathology reports 12-18-2014d1624.xlsx" Note that I may want to write some Java code to count records with certain attributes in a table since it can take some time to set everything up in Excel. However, I'm not sure if using a Java program would be much faster. . .