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choosing laser power and gain
azim58 - choosing laser power and gain choosing laser power and gain 5 things that affect the quality of images http://swehsc.pharmacy.arizona.edu/exppath/core/equip/handouts/Zeiss510_-_5 _things.pdf higher gain amplifies the signal but also increases noise laserpower that is too high can photobleach the sample and possibly reduce optical resolution I guess I would want to scan the slide so that I obtain the greatest dynamic range without a lot of spots maxing out, and the least noise I could probably determine good settings for a certain type of slide initially by starting with the highest laser power, and then working my way down with the gain and laser power until the slide is no longer saturated and is not losing signal to noise ratio. How to Set the Correct Gain in the LS Scanner http://www.tecan.com/platform/content/element/2508/Tecan_TN_LSX_GainSetting s_394563_V1.0.pdf The most common definition of sensitivity relates to signal/noise ratios. sensitivity = (Signal-Background)/Noise signal = average signal of a spot background = average signal of background noise = standard deviation of background