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automating insertion of references and creation of bibliography
azim58 - automating insertion of references and creation of bibliography Often when I write a document I don't want to deal with any reference software so I just put the Pubmed ID (PMID) or doi (digital object identifier) in parenthesis in text in the document. Then later I go back with Zotero or Endnote Web and see what document I wanted to reference there, add this to my library, and then insert the reference. I would like to know of a way or any software to automatically recognize PMIDs or DOIs within a bunch of text and then put the appropriate references. So far I haven't found a solution. However, I have found some interesting things. If articles with PMIDs are the only articles that someone cares about, then NCBI efetch allows one to easily retrieve an XML file of citaiton information if one has a list of PMIDs. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK25499/#chapter4.EFetch JabRef can then open the xml file from NCBI efetch, and it can save the references as a bibtex file which can be used with LaTeX. There are websites that will retrieve any doi. http://dx.doi.org http://www.crossref.org/ However, I haven't yet found a tool that will allow me to retrieve a list of dois and save the information as an xml file. Oh, there's also this article which may or may not have some interesting information. Defrosting the Digital Library: Bibliographic Tools for the Next Generation Web http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1000204 If I could convert a LaTeX file with references and a bibliography into a Word file with those references and a bibliography that EndNote can recognize then I will have a complete solution. This forum post has some solutions related to this topic. http://www.biostars.org/p/14051/