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Tumor Lysate Nitrocellulose Print 9-6-12
azim58 - Tumor Lysate Nitrocellulose Print 9-6-12 The print will actually take place on 9-7-12 Print onto Grace Biolabs Nitrocellulose Slides (dimensions are on that page) The print will start about 5 mm down and 2.9 mm over. The pad starts about 3 mm down and 2.5 mm over. The print will cover about 53 mm down and 7.4 mm across. The pad covers about 60 mm down and 20 mm over. So everything should be able to fit. Pin Operation * Dip into peptide * pretap 5X on one slide * print 10 spots on 6 slides * repeat pin cleaning 3X o sonicate 30 s o wash in 50% acetonitrile 10 s o dry 5 s * Sonicate 30 s * wash 30 s * dry 40 s Note that each slide will have it's own "dip" No landing lights used this time, but if they were, here is the information for that: Landing Light Concentration: 1:100 Landing Light Identity: a biotinylated peptide. Therefore, in order to detect the landing lights, it is necessary to use streptavidin AlexaFluor. If direct labeled secondary is used, the landing lights will not be visible unless a small of amount (such as 0.1 nM) of streptavidin AlexaFluor is added as well.