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Topcount HTS Trouble
azim58 - Topcount HTS Trouble Contacts Roswell Pund Dmitriy Shkuratov (510-344-6622) Hetal Petal used to use the TopCount in our lab (now in IDV) =========================================================================== Adrian Vazquez at Biosurplus (858-412-7163) avazquez@biosurplus.com =========================================================================== Perkin Elmer Technician * David Lent * 602-549-5285 =========================================================================== Person that deals with shipping at Biosurplus: Malik Adisa (madisa@biosurplus.com) The shipping contact here at Biodesign is 480-727-0361 Alex Kwirkly =========================================================================== shipping for repair doc 4-19-12.pdf =========================================================================== Topcount was shipped back to us on 7-5-12 Received TopCount to dock on 7-10-12. Received TopCount into our lab 7-11-12. As far as I could tell, everything seems to be working well with it. Some initial information and actions can be found here: "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\7-12-12\Topcount received\Topcount received 7-12-12.docx" Indications that TopCount Works Properly "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2012\7-12-12\Topcount received\Indications that TopCount Works Properly.docx" =========================================================================== Note that there is also a TopCount in the IDV Center John Chaput and Julian Chen have scintillation counters, but not TopCount instruments. =========================================================================== 11-29-12 Had a powerfail recovery error and a sample changer error once again. I called Perkin Elmer Technical Support. 800-762-4000 http://www.perkinelmer.com/tools/technicallibrarylandingpage.aspx They gave me this confirmation number and told me that they would call me back. 320708195