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Telomerase Research Paper by Mara
azim58 - Telomerase Research Paper by Mara paper found here "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\3-8-13\Mara telomerase paper\MBB 491 Maran Sprouse Telomerase Paper-1.docx" some notes =========================================================================== key components in aging research: telomeres and telomerase -also oxidation which wasn't mentioned Studies have shown that telomeres are degraded by 20-200 base pairs per round of replication5 leukocyte telomere length is the most widely accepted biological age marker in humans6 as telomere length decreases so does bone mineral density3. Significantly shorter leukocyte telomere length has also been associated with common autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes8 TERT is a 1132 aa protein Telomerase is expressed in all cells but not at a high enough concentration to prevent telomere shortening2. cancer and dyskeratosis congenita are associated with telomere shortening Telomere shortening is characteristic of not only ovarian cancer but of prostate, cervical, breast, colon, lung and pancreatic cancers as well19-22 In general, early cancer cells have shorter telomeres than normal cells17