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Some Finished To Do List Items portal 9-3-13
++ Some Finished To Do List Items portal 9-3-13 -try out PQRE and HE with MAST with a database that SMC1fs is present in -find out exact address of flat in Spain -look at Fulbright -look at human nr database on Linux computer -follow up with reserving room and reserving an additional room with Meredith (03-28-2014d1620) --https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#search/meredith/144b70d06bd281cb -make corrections to stem cell autoimmunity paper { -meeting with Stephen about paper 7-28-13 ^Didn't I make these corrections? I think I did. } -make feature request for Endnote, Zotero, and Mendeley { see if several peptides all line up with the exact same part of the transcript/protein sequences of the proteins rather than the distribution of alignments compare HER2 with 4T1 signature ^maybe I don't want to do this as of 12-10-2013d2015 } -write up dissertation -finish SEREX introduction contact potential employers -finish safety training -validate tumor sequences -sequence more of tumor cDNA library to have a more accurate number for the complexity <- maybe -write up entropy paper --organize entropy information for Lu. QC files missing, program not working with spreadsheet, etc. -I may want to start an overnight culture from 87 from plate 16 since I am low on this sample -antibody screen positive chimeric transcript pcr with tumor and normal cDNA -list of pcrs I want to run --rbm and 10339 and slain (slain completed) with all 41 minipreps (if none of the 41 are positive then make a new prep of these samples but also make glycerol stock this time) --rbm and 10339 and slain for all 96 of some of the positive 41 -I should move data out of genespring soon -write up stem cell autoimmunity paper -smc1fs pcr with "6 (6-10-13)" to get all 4 bands for sequencing -smc1fs pcr with "87" for sequencing to determine orientation information -make paper revisions -contact HVI about paper -find out how column size fractionation works find out how poly A mRNA purification works -determine numbers to see if it is really necessary to make a new library -In order to do this, I guess I would need a list of all of the transcripts with frameshifts, and then I would need to determine the length of transcript sequence from the introduced stop codon from the frameshift to the end of the transcript. Then I would need to know whether my sequences are long enough on average to capture most of those frameshifts. look at old SMC1fs presence in library data -take a look at GPP NIH-Oxford-Cambridge Program mentioned by Mara (January 15th deadline) ^I don't think I care about this anymore 5-20-13 -look at home desaturation issue https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#label/Computer+Stuff/13d26ca624edb7ea ^I don't think I care about this anymore 5-20-13 -look at representation of library <- I don't know what I meant here anymore -transform cells with pGEX-SMC1fs soon <- probably no longer applicable <- yeah I think it is no longer applicable 5-20-13 -read dissertation of Muskan -write outreach summary -Anesthetic Gas Safety Refresher Training https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#label/Career/13cf3c145d222165 Completed 4-10-13 powerpoint "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\4-10-13\Isoflurane Training_2013_Update.pptx" -make note about how to use Deducer software - get Mara data for random hexamer library - event:run DNA gel action: test new agarose - optimize transcript specific amplification - look at pcomb sequences https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#label/Career/13d4b4670179cc87 - tomorrow look at HER2 specific peptides from Tiger https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#search/her2/13c1254a097dce08 optimize transcript pcr -do 5 more cycles for transcript specific amplification -do taxes -leave feedback for Ryan -stories with lots of good dialogue -pair programming -look at sequenced pcomb3xssv3 sequences -prepare presentation for data club -work on data club presentation -do ds cDNA PCR -email Kathy RNA results (make note about RNA and tape pics into notebook) -etbr with penny -music for calm focused energy before challenge -check whether I have enough 5' oligo -order new primers for sequencing pSMART2IF vector figure out what went wrong with polyT primer order new polyT primer <- actually not necessary see received random hexamer tumor library clones 2-7-13 -Disease Research for Pathways Teacher Game -order poly T primer -read about reverse situps -make notebook records -finish pcomb in-fusion -look at video from Pat https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&shva=1#search/slick/13c3cdef8e14f7d4 -use free massage from Linda -analyze CTL data -finish looking at Hojoon's dissertation -order primers to sequence whole pcomb plasmid -look over BDE 791 class to see if I already gave public presentation and just need to do public service -look at sequences of tumor lib DNA -go through tumor cDNA library sequences again Some finished to do list items 2012