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Receiving Primers
azim58 - Receiving Primers accepting primers -Dilute the primers in 10 mM Tris (pH 8) (actually a better solution is TE buffer (10 mM Tris (full name is Tris-Cl); 1 mM EDTA; ph 8.0)) --Elena has TE buffer and I should have some on my bench too -Store the primers at 4 C overnight or for a few days to let the -lyophilized powder mix into solution -Make 1/10 dilutions with H20 (yes the dilution should be with H20 and not TE). Store the stock at -20 C and the 1/10 dilution tubes at 4 C. --How long can the 1/10 dilution tubes (working concentration) be kept at 4 C? Some people say they can be stored there for a month and still be fine. ---http://www.protocol-online.org/biology-forums-2/posts/27234.html ----"I don't freeze them, but keep them in a fridge. Since this continuous use can last as long as a month for example, the primers stay there for a month. Sometimes I forget them there even longer. They're fine. I think multiple freeze-thaw in that case would make them more harm." ---------- 02-12-2015d1811 receiving primers at CNIO People usually just dilute them to 100 uM by following the instructions on the sheet and store them at -20 C ----------