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Quick comparison of peptides 2-23-12
azim58 - Quick comparison of peptides 2-23-12 Shen wants to see how similar the mouse and human peptide sequences are. All sequences >mouse CSGVYCHEEPQGEDSSV >human CCGIYCHEEPQREDSSI >r1 TISKYVMVEPMRQHEEWGSC >r2 AVSHQEMNEGEQGPMREGSC >r3 RVGEMPMREYDISGGSGGSC >r4 TAFYRTLTKHEVDPGIAGSC >r5 WKPVPMRDFRTQPLMGDGSC The main site of interest is the "PQRE" in the human. The mouse has a "PQGE" instead. R corresponds to arginine a polar positively charged amino acid G corresponds to glycine a nonpolar neutral amino acid which is also the simplest amino acid that exists These are two very different amino acids. What kind of scores will GLAM2 give? * Comparison of human to 5 random peptides * Human peptide comparison - Input @ >human CCGIYCHEEPQREDSSI >r2 AVSHQEMNEGEQGPMREGSC - Output @ Score: 7.15938 Columns: 6 Sequences: 2 ** human 10 PQREDS 15 + 8.13 r2 14 PMREGS 19 + 8.21 PMREDS Q G * Mouse peptide comparison o Input - >mouse CSGVYCHEEPQGEDSSV >r2 AVSHQEMNEGEQGPMREGSC o Output - Score: 5.95133 Columns: 3 Sequences: 2 *** mouse 7 HEE 9 + 6.26 r2 4 HQE 6 + 6.03 HEE Q The score for the mouse peptide match was lower and the PQRE did not match with the PQGE.