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Possible Regex 2-26-13
azim58 - Possible Regex 2-26-13 Regex to transform a FASTA file into Example fasta file found here "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\2-26-13\regex_test\example_fasta_2-26-13.txt" It looks like I will not be able to use a simple regular expression because if I want to match multiple lines after the > header I cannot call all of these lines back. This is because a group just matches once. If a regex group matches multiple times, only the last instance of that group can be called back. Oh wait, actually I can probably make a group that would match everything up to the next header. I think I can transform the text the way that I need to in two moves (two find and replaces). Note that one new line with a ">" must be added at the end of the file. The first find and replace is like this. f (>.+?)\r([\s(?=\S)]+?(?=>)) r $1\t$2 Then the text will be in a format like this. "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\2-26-13\regex_test\1st_transform_0913.txt" Then this regex can be used to reformat this new text into the final desired column text. f (.+?)(?=\r)(?!\r>)(\r) r $1 The resulting text looks like this. "C:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\2-26-13\regex_test\2nd_transform_0934.txt" I know this works in regexr. Now I just need to verify that this works in Notepad++. For Notepad++ I must change the \r to \r\n. So the 1st move should be f (>.+?)\n([\s(?=\S)]+?(?=>)) r $1\t$2 2nd move f (.+?)(?=\n)(?!\n>)(\n) r $1