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Possible Post Doc or Job Positions to Look Into
Here are some possible places that I want to take the next step to in my career for the future (I'm trying to include a lot of potential search terms here). Post docs Peter Lee at Stanford (cancer research with immunology) Maria Blasco in Spain (aging research) Leonard Guarente (at MIT) (Kathy mentioned him as an aging researcher) aging guy I interviewed with at Baylor (Scott Pletcher who is now at the University of Michigan) Here in CIM at Biodesign Buck Institute for Research on Aging NIH National Institute on Aging Mayo Clinic in Minnesota (also see the Robert and Arlene Kogod Center on Aging which is a part of Mayo) McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine in Pittsburgh. Jobs TA Sciences? Geron other interesting places RIKEN Research Center for Allergy and Immunology search about open biotech companies and universities possibly studying aging 5-6-12 Here are some new lists of places I may want to apply to as of 11-12-12 Places I may want to apply to clean 11-12-12 see https://docs.google.com/document/d/1VJVZI9ie1rF82Qpww5i37zmYHx85_ec9dINcNma6Sxw/edit some search sessions -search for MIT and Harvard 8-19-13 --"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\8-19-13\search for MIT and Harvard 8-19-13.txt" see also job search portal 7-11-13 see also notes about career in regenerative medicine 8-3-13 --"F:\kurt\storage\CIM Research Folder\DR\2013\8-3-13\notes about career in regenerative medicine 8-3-13.txt"